By Catherine Montague, Montague Design founder/principal designer


February is the month to celebrate love. I enjoy reflecting on the many aspects of love, from romantic relationships to family and friends, colleagues, community.


But what about our love relationships with ourselves and our environments? How much time do we dedicate to them?


Our ability to truly love others starts with our ability to love ourselves first.  To most of us, this is one of the hardest parts of being human. Recognizing our unique gifts, forgiving our past and creating space and time to retreat within are a few ways to start.


As an interior designer, I love helping clients find simple ways to show themselves and their homes some love through the décor choices they make. After all, our home is our sanctuary – where we retreat to at the end of the day and where we create memories with family and friends.


If the concept of your home as a retreat is a foreign one, here are a few simple ways to get started:


Take time to clear an area that you can call yours: I have a special chair in my bedroom  that I use for my spiritual practice. This time dedicated to me has been a true gift. Years ago, my business coach suggested that I take 15 minutes to meditate in the morning.


I remember waking up, sitting in my favorite chair in my bedroom with my young son and our cat next to me waiting for my meditation to be over so that they could get their breakfast! Obviously, this did not work very well, I had to adjust the time to the evening after my son was in bed. Flexibility is a good skill!


Carve out time to reflect on your home and ways to adapt the space: Ask yourself:

  • How do I feel when I arrive home?
  • Do I feel nurtured, supported?
  • Do I love my furniture? My artwork?
  • Does what’s in my home have good memories associated with it?
  • Does my home help me to feel successful? Abundant? Happy?
  • Is my home comfortable?


Every object we allow in our home brings some feelings with it. Often, moving furniture around or taking a lamp or piece of art from one room to another creates change and brings new life to our everyday objects. Your home should be a living, evolving environment that brings a sense of joy and nurturing.

Feeling stuck? Give us a call: Montague Design offers design consultations. We love moving things around, showcasing your collectibles and helping you create your home sanctuary – a space filled with love.